Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thoughts for the Day

My mother send me this this morning.

Ten Ways We Misunderstand Children by Jan Hunt, M.Sc. 
  1. We expect children to be able to do things before they are ready.
  2. We become angry when a child fails to meet our needs.
  3. We mistrust the child’s motives.
  4. We don’t allow children to be children.
  5. We get it backwards.
  6. We blame and criticize when a child makes a mistake.
  7. We forget how deeply blame and criticism can hurt a child.
  8. We forget how healing loving actions can be.
  9. We forget that our behavior provides the most potent lessons to the child. 
  10. We see only the outward behavior, not the love and good intentions inside the child. 
She is right. It made me stop and think. And it made me promise myself to try harder, to think  more about my actions, words and thoughts, to do more justice to the little man in my life and where he is coming from.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Want to Know Why I am not Blogging?

It is this combination.... and almost in this order! Love 'em all but they are time consuming. Lots of time outside so little time in front of the computer and really little time creating 'cept for knitting because you can do that anywhere, almost.  My life is very un-virtual right now.

Hope to be back with more regularity soon. How are you?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The most precious link today

It's November. I have a long post about the good things in life and more specifically the good things in my life. but instead I would like to post something that really struck a chord with me today. I really like these sister-in-laws' blog Sugar City Journal. It made me laugh so much and just describes life with us right now.

 Hope November is treating you all well

Monday, November 8, 2010

Its Autumn

And there is no denying it. Hope you are wrapped up warm

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