Sunday, November 15, 2009


Over the past few weeks I have regularly thougth of those five things to be thankful for and although on some days it took some looking for, other days were filled to the brim. Just to mention some of the ones that filled those days to the brim:

Going to Switzerland to Zürich on a long overdue trip to see two wonderful people. Thank you so much for a lovely weekend. Oh and Zürich is nice too. The sun shone, we had our first Glühwein of the season and the conversations were soulfilling.

Having the longest conversation whilst surrounded by bubbles about dreams. And re-discovering that there are people who will support you and even dream with you irrelevant of how crazy others think your ideas may be.

Spending an evening (well most of a weekend) with some friends over a table creaking with delicous food and drink. Where did the hours go? What did we talk about? When was the last time we hurried to bed as the kids would be getting up in two hours (if you're lucky)?

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