Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Solstice

21st December. Winter solstice.

May peace, warmth , light and love be with you over the coming festivities.

It is so dark and cold here tonight. We had 40cms of snow yesterday and it is sooo cold. It is definitely a time to snuggle down under blankets and or to go out and celebrate. I am choosing the reflection tonight at the night is too thick to celebrate in. It is the kind of night I yearn to sit in front of an open fire and gaze into the flames. If I were to go out into the street and inhale the coldness into the bottom of my lungs I'd be able to smell someone else's.

Funny, I am not a winter person at all. I know and love someone who really is, so I really know I am not. But on nights like tonight, it seems a shame that it will be getting lighter again soon.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

New Hair

A leaf bathing in the sunlight. I'd like to be doing that right now. Escape the early December grey and lie by a pool in the sun.

Lots has been happening here, parental visits, parcels, fun and games, evenings with friends, but the grey has stolen my writing inspiration. Hopefully it'll come back soon.